ALL TOWNS WELOME!      Get your Documents ready!  
IT'S HERE !!!  This Saturday  !    
Join us for one of our biggest events of the season! 
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Rotarian Jill DeMonti hand delivered the Hackettstown Rotary Club’s donation of $750.00 yesterday to Scott Savokinas at the Lord's Pantry at Trinity UMC.     

 Scott was very humbled and thankful. They are in progress of expanding the pantry and also adding a resource room where community members can learn how to write resumes, attend health and wellness programs, to name a few. Many thanks to Scott and the Hackettstown Trinity United Methodist church for all the work they are doing for the community!

Memorial Motor Madness 2024 !!
MEMORIAL MOTOR MADNESS Annual Car Show, 2024 !  May 26   
on the grounds of Mars-Wrigley National Headquarters in Hackettstown 
Memorial Motor Madness Car Show !
The annual Memorial Motor Madness car show will be held Sunday, May 26th, from  9 - 3 PM 
on the grounds of Mars-Wrigley Headquarters in Hackettstown!   
             One of the largest cars shows in NWNJ is back!
Admission is $5 at the gate. 
**Please note that no smoking or pets are allowed on the Mars property 
StevieMac – A Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks Experience
Hackettstown Rotary Club Fundraiser
Saturday, May 18 at 8:00 PM   
Sitnik Theatre | Lackland Performing Arts Center
​Part of Centenary Stage Company's 2023-24 Live Music Series and special fundraiser event for the Hackettstown Rotary Club.  The greatest hits from Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac come to life in a stunning performance capturing the vocals, visuals, and magic of Stevie Nicks & Fleetwood Mac.
purchase your tickets now!  
Don't miss the extraordinary pianist BIll Mays, playing the American Songbook in Historic Rutherfurd Hall !   
Proceeds from this concert benefit The Rutherfurd Hall Foundation, and  the over 35 community organizations which the Hackettstown Rotary Foundation supports in our region! 
Club News
Hackettstown Rotary was delighted to be able to present a donation in sponsorship of the current Warren County Habitat for Humanity build at 22 Beidleman Road, on which several Rotary members worked this fall!
Pictured: Rotary Treasurer Mark Bahnuk, Habitat Exec. Dir. Ben Eskow, Rotary President, Catherine Rust, Rotary President Elect Annamaria Lalevee, and Habitat Dir. of Development, J.J.Norman
  November, 2023
Scholarships Awarded!
Congratulations to FRANCESCA CARTAGENA and ISABELLA CETANI, recipients of the 2022 Robert T. Quade awarded to Hackettstown HS students who exemplified the highest standards of leadership, community service and academic excellence.
Each student receives an award of $1000, toward their continued educational goals. 
The Spring SHREDDING EVENT was a great success, raising over $1500 for the Foundation!                  Thanks to all who came out!
MARK YOUR CALENDARS for this fun Rotary Fundraising Event 
(Tickets on sale NOW!) 
Hackettstown Rotary enjoys busy day at fall Shredding Fundraiser event!
The biannual Rotary Shredding event was held on Oct 16 in the Fulton Bank parking lot on Mountain Ave in Hackettstown. 
Rotarians were greeted by steady stream of happy customers throughout the morning. 
Special Thanks goes out to Abilities of NW NJ, who were on hand to collect unwanted electronics
and E-waste,
and DASACC collected gently used coats for the coming winter months!
Over $1500 was raised by the day's event!